Texas Energy Summit Sponsorship Information
All sponsors will receive:
- Company logo on all promotional materials including conference website, email marketing campaigns and within the virtual platform itself
- Literature or promotional item included in registration packets (if Summit is held in person)
- Pre- and post-conference attendee registration lists in electronic form
- Expo booth at events held in person
Platinum Level Sponsorships ($10,000)
*Platinum level sponsorships include complimentary registrations for eight (8) and signage next to the registration table and special recognition as a Platinum Level sponsor!
Event Underwriter (exclusive)
- Recognition as the Texas Energy Summit Event Underwriter in all program materials, and special recognition during the opening keynote session
- Remarks at a general session
Event Co-Host (exclusive)
- Recognition as the Texas Energy Summit Co-Host and official sponsor of scholarships for local governments in all program materials, and special recognition during the opening keynote session
- Remarks at a general session
Special Event Underwriter (exclusive)
- Recognition as the Texas Energy Summit Special Event Underwriter and official sponsor of the Malcolm L. Verdict Memorial Student Poster Competition in all program materials
- Welcome remarks at the evening reception or during a general session
Gold Level Sponsorships ($7,500)
*Gold Level sponsorships include complimentary registrations for seven (7) and special recognition as a Gold Level sponsor!
Host Utility/Energy Company Sponsor (exclusive)
- Recognition as the Texas Energy Summit Host Utility Sponsor in all program materials
- Special recognition, welcome remarks and the opportunity to introduce a keynote speaker
International Energy Transition Partner Sponsor
- Recognition as the Texas Energy Summit Int’l Energy Transition Partner Sponsor in all program materials
- Special recognition, welcome remarks and the opportunity to introduce a keynote speaker
Mobile (and/or Virtual) Event App Platform Sponsor (2 total; 1 available, 1 SOLD)
- Recognition as a Texas Energy Summit Mobile (and/or virtual) Event App Platform Sponsor in all program materials
- Special recognition during a keynote session
Silver Level Sponsorships ($5,000)
*Silver Level Sponsorships include complimentary registrations for five (5) and special recognition as a Silver Level sponsor!
Non-Profit Scholarship Sponsors (3 total)
- Recognition as a Non-Profit Scholarship Sponsor in all program materials
- Special recognition as a Silver level sponsor, and the opportunity to introduce a session speaker
Registration Sponsors (3 total)
- Sponsor can make a first impression with Texas Energy Summit attendees with a banner ad placed in the confirmation email that all attendees receive
- Special recognition as a Silver level sponsor, and the opportunity to introduce a session speaker
Texas Energy Summit Supporter – Plenary Sponsor (5 total)
- Recognition as a Texas Energy Summit Plenary Sponsor in all program materials
- Special recognition as a Silver level sponsor, and the opportunity to introduce a session speaker
Bronze Level Sponsorships ($3,500)
*Bronze level sponsorships include complimentary registrations for three (3) and special recognition as a Bronze Level sponsor!
Refreshment Break Sponsor (x available)
- Recognition as the official sponsor as a refreshment break sponsor
- Company logo/signage next to refreshment table
Texas Energy Summit Awards Sponsor (3 total)
- Recognition as a Texas Energy Summit Awards Sponsor in all program materials
- Special recognition during the awards session
Energy Champion Level Sponsorships ($2,500)
*Bronze level sponsorships include complimentary registrations for two (2) and special recognition as an Energy Champion sponsor!
Appreciation Dinner Sponsor – (3 total)
- Recognition as a Texas Energy Summit Appreciation Dinner Sponsor in all program materials
- Special recognition as an Energy Champion level sponsor
Post-Conference Workshop Sponsor – (4 total; 4 available)
- Recognition as a Texas Energy Summit Post-Conference Workshop Sponsor in all program materials
- Special recognition as an Energy Champion level sponsor